Fight CDL traffic violations and find lawyers for CDL tickets

CDL Ticket Dismissal

Getting too many traffic tickets can impact commercial truck drivers’ ability to work, increase insurance premiums and cost money in fines. The good news is that with Safer CDL, many traffic violations can be reduced or eliminated, reducing fees and freeing up drivers to continue working.


How many tickets can a commercial driver have before they are suspended?

The number of tickets a CDL truck driver can accumulate depends on the nature of the ticket and where it was issued. CDL revocations can occur as a result of driving-related offenses even when operating a personal vehicle. If a driver loses his or her normal driving privileges, his or her CDL will be revoked as well.

Fight CDL traffic tickets

Serious and Major Offenses

The federal government has a list of “serious” offenses that can lead to a CDL revocation. Federal law considers the following violations to be serious offenses:

  • Speeding 15 miles per hour or more over the limit
  • Erratic lane changes
  • Driving recklessly
  • Driving while distracted, including using a cell phone
  • Following too closely
  • Driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) without a CDL
  • Any traffic violation that results in a fatality

Most states will expand on the above list with their own regulations, like possessing alcohol in a commercial vehicle without a permit.

Violations resulting in minimum one year CDL revocation

Federal law also enumerates a list of “major” violations that will result in a minimum one year revocation of a CDL. If the driver was operating a CMV containing hazardous materials, the minimum is increased to three years. Major violations include:

  • Operating while intoxicated (OWI/DUI)
  • Refusing a chemical intoxication test
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Driving a CMV with an already revoked CDL
  • Using any motor vehicle to commit a felony
  • Negligently causing a CMV-related fatality

Like serious violations, many states will expand on the federal list of major violations to include offenses like vehicular manslaughter. Two major violations will often result in a lifetime revocation of a CDL. Both serious and major violations can occur while driving a personal vehicle or CMV.

Get commercial driving tickets expunged

Which Types of CDL Tickets can be Challenged?

The majority of “typical” traffic violations for commercial drivers can be contested. Others, like e-log violations or HOS violations, are difficult to challenge. Successfully challenging a CDL ticket violation can eliminate unnecessary points from a driver’s record.

These Tickets Can Be Challenged
Not wearing seatbelt
Talking on the phone or texting
Overweight / overwise without a permit
Taking the wrong route or stopping in an unauthorized area
Bad / missing tie downs or other safety equipment
Overweight box truck without a CDL
These Tickets Can't Be Challenged
E-Log violations
HOS violations
Serious violations
Major violations

How to Hire a CDL Ticket Lawyer

Safer CDL is your best resource when contesting CDL related ticket violations in any state. In many cases, we will be able to get your tickets reduced or removed without requiring outside help from a commercial trucking lawyer. If you do need a CDL lawyer, Safer CDL is involved with trucking lawyers across the country and can recommend an affordable, experienced attorney.

Contest My Ticket